Tua Excel

Tua Excel
Tone, Reshape and Slim Down with the Tua Excel EMS Body Toner
Fast track your weight loss and muscle building with effective Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS).
This fantastic EMS body belt can be used on its own or whilst you engage in cardiovascular exercise to further tone and strengthen your muscles. It can be placed on any area of the body you wish to target, including:
The bottom: For lifting and firming
The thighs: For cellulite reduction and shaping
The stomach: For toning and eradicating the dreaded ‘muffin top’
The back: For increased muscle tone and strength to support the core
The breast/chest area: For more defined pecks or a natural breast lift
The toning belt has 2 separate programmes that have been designed to meet your specific requirements.
TONE is the programme used for toning up and firming the body. This includes firming the skin and underlying muscles. Tone exercises the muscles with prolonged contractions followed by short relaxing pauses. This type of intense EMS workout is comparable to that of a weightlifting session at the gym.
SLIM is the programme that targets your ‘problem areas’, the areas you most struggle to lose weight from. Sometimes, regardless of a diet and lifestyle change, fat deposits that have built up over the years are extremely difficult to budge. Problem areas (particularly for women) tend to be the buttocks, thighs and stomach. The Slim programme omits short contractions with equally short pauses for relaxation; this is comparable to an aerobic workout at the gym.
Toning Belt for All Sizes to Target Every Muscle Group
This electronic exercise belt will fit from a 32” – 46” waist and each of the electrode pads are moveable along the belt, so you can target any area you need to. You can rotate the electrodes on their axis, so no area is out of reach for toning, shaping and firming!
Why Use an EMS Trainer Instead of Hitting the Gym?
Abdominal belts are becoming increasingly more popular, as daily live often leaves people too busy to attend the gym. It’s not just being at the gym that takes time out of your day, it’s getting there, getting changed, completing your session, showering and getting home. Not to mention the cost of gym memberships and lengthy contracts that are difficult to break if you need to. An effective workout you can undertake in 20 minutes, in the comfort of your own home is a fantastic solution if you want to look after yourself but struggle for time, energy or money for expensive gym memberships!
How Do Toning Belts Work?
Toning belts work by electronically stimulating the muscles in any given area of the body. The electrode pads release electrical pulses that force the muscles to contract and release in response. Engaging the muscles in this way will see a marked improvement in muscle strength and tone with continued use. Because you have the option to target a specific area, this type of muscle training can be extremely effective at giving you the results you are looking for quicker.
You can select the intensity level of the EMS stimulation your muscles receive by turning the control knob on the front of the belt. As your muscles strengthen, you will find you can increase the intensity level.
How It works
Tua Excel features a biphase rectangular wave that is perfectly symmetrical and features on the best professional equipment to prevent any possible polarisation effect on the tissues.
Tua Excel works on the principle of electrostimulation, meaning electric impulses applied by means of electrodes to the skin, directly on the muscles, which contract rhythmically and perform real and true physical exercise. Muscular exercise induced by electrostimulation is particularly effective because it can be intense and selectively targeted on single muscle groups (something hard to achieve through active physical exercise).
Training by electrostimulation provides a number of advantages that integrate and partially replace voluntary training. Among these can be included:
– Selective stimulation of the muscle group or part of this. (By positioning the electrodes correctly on the different muscles, a specific stimulation can be achieved of the selected muscle. reducing activity of the adjacent muscles to a minimum.)
– Maximum recruitment of muscle fibres. By setting adequate current intensity values it will be possible to obtain the maximum fiber recruitment, which is more difficult to achieve with an active exercise.
– Absence of load on joints. Especially on the spine, where problems in this area often represent a limitation to physical activity in both sedentary and sports persons.
– Absence of general body tiredness.
– Rapid progress.
Pathological facial conditions
Metal pins and plates
Neurological disorders including epilepsy or multiple sclerosis
Weak psycho-physical condition
Broken or bruised skin
Large protruding atypical moles
For external use only
When in doubt, consult your doctor.